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357x25520110125151330549Zam began her practice as a counsellor in 1995, primarily in Transactional Analysis. Since then she has gained experience in Gestalt therapy, re-parenting, regression therapy and voice dialogue.

What happens during a session?

The main goal of counselling is enabling you to understand your personality and, through that, achieve personal growth and change. Counselling in this context is not passive listening, but an active process of psychotherapy.

Zam's model of counselling involves teaching skills that can be used in your relationships and interactions outside of the clinic, giving you the interpersonal tools to deal with difficult situations in life. Education plays an important role in assisting people to have more satisfactory relationships. The aim is to increase an individual's sense of their own well-being and to gain insights, knowledge, skills and understanding in order to enhance their relationships.

Each counselling session is approximately one hour and visual aids are often taken home, in order to jog the memory on the content of a session.

Who can benefit?

Counselling can assist individuals, couples and families to improve their relationships. It can help to:

  • Understand the relationships you have with others
  • Discover why you chose your partners, friends, etc
  • Find out what you want from your relationship and from yourself
  • Understand how you contribute to what your relationships have become and how you can change them
  • Discuss what you feel about others and yourself
  • Discuss what you are prepared to do to make changes

How much will it cost?

1 hour counselling session $120


Zam Martin


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