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Consultation & Cost

What happens during a consultation?

The initial consultation will usually take one hour. During this time, you will discuss:

  • The presenting complaint - i.e. the reason you have come into the clinic
  • Any other significant, or diagnosed, conditions
  • Overview of current health - including discussion of digestive function, immunity, hormone balance, nervous system function (e.g. stress levels and energy), diet and lifestyle
  • Health history - including diagnosed conditions, prior treatment, and any recent test results
  • Current medication or supplementation
  • Any other factors affecting your health that you wish to discuss, or that may come up during the course of the consultation.

Some physical diagnostics will also be performed - including blood pressure and heart monitoring, iris analysis, tongue analysis, pulse diagnosis, cell function testing and live blood analysis. These may vary between consultations, depending on the most suitable diagnostic requirements at the time. If there is a particular test you would like performed, please let us know in advance.

Follow up consultations are usually shorter - approximately 30 minutes. During this time, your practitioner will follow-up on previous recommendations and monitor your progress. It gives you a chance to catch up on how you're feeling and discuss anything else that may have changed between visits.

How much will it cost?

Initial consultation (approximately 1 hour) $120
Subsequent consultation (approximately 45-60 minutes) $80

Some consultations are eligible for Health Fund rebates. 
Concession and pensioner prices are available - please contact us for more information.


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